
So, "Look & see!" was said to me ... before

So look and see was said to me, before 

I’d gone too long, I sang this song, and more,

responding gladly to the breeze that sighs

through trees that dance and sway and utter cries

of pain, delight & hopeful to give birth

to baby gods destined to rule the Earth

& more - from hesed-love with tender care,

help heal the gaping wound that it made there..

detaching from the womb needed to keep

it well alive, as things worked in the past,

for this womb-world has mothered all the sheep

who will admit their need to be the last,

(not always first, and blazing all the trails,

and being “highest one” about the place,

as goats will do, with independent sails);

these partner with their leader’s voice, & face

whatever comes with ecosystem grace

acknowledging they don’t have centre-stage,

but when they do that well, and sing the praise

of source of goods & services - no wage;

but truly gift, from good creative love,

it draws my heart to join in, not to shove,

but voluntarily again “look up”,

& let the sky-blue curtains then hook up

my homing heart to where it must come from,

a pigeon /dove, behind a curtain shoved,

with still a sense of where must lie it's home,

and as a human heart, to know it's loved..

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