
Quick to list-en;

& slow - less on!

Well, Lord, I'm here and thought I was learning 

to trust you and to work in partnerships

with you, who sees & thinks - the wheels turning 

of your considerations, as time slips 

... by in this world, for you're still healing sick- 

nesses and helping good things come about.

And I see that my job is......to be quick,

to listen, ask good questions, not to shout;

but tune in, rout anxiety and fear

that do not trust the very GOD of all 

creative love, who longs to, would, come near

...to help all goodness fly, and not just  fall..

into its rust.. & ruin, but to flow'r...

by using rules of physics in this world 

that all good actions with true love's own pow'r

may point to any way GOD wants us hurled.

I want that way, to be what comes about.

..to follow in the footsteps of our king;

so in the end my life won't even flout

your physics, 'coz you're Lord of ev'rything.

So when I fail, I will not waste a sec-

ond, punishing myself for being bad.

That kind of judgment isn’t mine to reck-

on with, not yet at any rate. No sad-

ness helps - unless it is to help us stop*

and turn around, desist from silliness;

just start to do the good and right, & top

it off with praise of good, & thankfulness.

* the exception to this might be the sadness that we are called to in empathizing with someone-else's difficulties (& maybe just plain the act of entering our own real difficulties too, where it becomes a grim determination to go on well, instead of a turning around.

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