
’s’p l o t …

My God, a lot of tiny little things°

have come together in these last few days

To help me see and feel like you gave wings

to this idea of walking. Your displays

of love and faithfulness are clear to me,

but prob’ly not so startling to the world,

I see a kind of style. A sense of free-

ly given humour, dry and terse, and curled

within each little point that helps it point

in ways that turn my gaze in gratefulness

up, high above me glad of help anoint-

ing all these serendipities that bless..

this tiny life, who's choices seem so weak,

and frail, but also good to be around.

I can’t deny the good you seem to speak

into existence in this self same ground.

I see it’s like each human life’s a “plot”;

but Dad-like you just cannot help yourself,

you have to use each word to say a lot…

dimensions, um things open on the shelf…

because the envelope’s addressed we know

already, dressed and combed and looking good

a letter is around, and might well show

up, options are emerging. Or they could.

A plot’s a story line, or gardenbed

or else k’niving to see overthrown..

a leadership, relating, that will shed

more light, in spite of ev’rything that’s known.


°. No rego for car. Learn to trust re. Transport.

°. Time to catch up with mate before leaving town

°  and tyre and time from work

*. Tutoring time

°. Neighbour collecting gear

*. Walking partner's text missed

°  credit card buying tickets, but no cash

°  categories stretched for bank accounts

°  tickets failing with PayPal with lack of funds

°. Work coming to provide for hole after hols

°. Friends in other town recalling arrangements spoken

°. Daughter and son-in-law come to live with us allowing me to walk

°. Daughter asks last night “What are hopes from walk? - varied but focus on "with creative love"

°. Intros of name via "negative space" at school last 3 days

°. Seeing the Dad-Joke side of God’s Word to us via COJ-02 recently, and at school with outro, and new schools with intros, and being both Dad and now Grand-dad at my home.

These plots are growing crops, depending on 

the seed that has been planted which attests

to have more time in ground; that so cling on

displaying DNA that manifests.

But all so lives are also thereby tales

with plots that twist and turn surprisingly,

relationship grows up, but also fails

to be quite static, or to still the sea.

The troubled sea, that rarely will be calm,

but sometimes is, that’s just before we’re stormed;

each thing or person often plots to harm

a ruling, or a ruler, I’m informed.

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