
de place of grace dese days...

I’m trying to do one thing right today

& that’s to give what I can clean away

for benefit of others - with no say

in what will happen to me, or my pay.

I’m not quite sure if this can even be

near done on Earth by almost anyone.

And that’s because creative love has seen 

that we are fed when we feed daughter/ son.

But as I think about this, I perceive

that there is fear, anxiety, in me

‘coz if I give away what I believe

I can; inside I might be left empty.

But this is using logic - modeled here

within my head (my left brain-hemisphere),

my virtual world, so estimations can

be made by me when I can't really see.

But when I interface in fact, with what

is in this world around about that I

am living in; that’s more than what I’ve got

within my head. It’s much more fun to spy

what bigger, wider purposes of love,

creative in its very nature, do

appear in ways that might look like a dove

which makes both hope and peace at home in you

and me to join in where, when, how we can

as who are doomed to truly be hu-man,

in ways, for reasons which mimick that man

Yeshua, the sure “Yes!”, where grace began -

in our own fam'ly tree - it's nesting place -

that's born of woman, with de-sire of God.

So grace can answer grace in partner's face

and shame has no more trace, and that's not odd

but is the "rule of life" (when God says "rule"

he means a diff'rent thing to our miss-take

in understanding it to be some fool-

-ish pow-er play - controlling, or to make

another person do our will, as though

we lived quite independently, with no

or little sharing truly of our own

young hopes and dreams, and helping them to grow).

"but Noah found grace in the eyes of YaHWeH. ... Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation; Noah walked with God." (Gen 6:8-9)

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