
prayer for each new day : …

God please empow’r me with your spirit to

be quick to listen to folk you bring near,

as well to you, the nearest one to do

communication, more than what I hear;

sometimes you are so close I can reach out

and touch you in a vacuum, in the dark,

& cotton on to your heart, no speech/ shout

is needed then, because you are the spark

of that divine light, which is knowledge true,

& real, and has commitment at its core.

Please make me more like Jesus, who’s like you,

to hear, and take in, as he would ensure

that he was hearing quickly your own thoughts

& hopes & dreams, and will to act and bring

folk’s deepest hopes and wishes, like fish caught

somehow in net by their own deep longings.

I want to be like him, with them & you;

to listen and to hear what’s sent my way.

You made my eyes and ears & skin to do

this picking up of messages that say

things meaningful, which hope to tune in to

the things that are eternal and bring life.

I sense you are now leading me to do

this very thing. Please help me to arrive

at tuning in. I think I really can

trust you to do such magic in this child

of yours (each girl, or boy, or woman, man),

who let's your own Christ-life run in them wild!

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