
Today’s opportunity

In the Judaeo/Christian Scriptures (Torah) YaHWeH is  called "The Ancient of Days"...

Some thoughts about this "Recent of Days" & today's opportunity..

I get to bend my tiny little will to choose, to join in with the  creator of this Universe, the Heavens & the Earth, and to join in in the way, or manner in which this being of creative covenant love does things. This is the kind of being who made the male and female Adarm to image this kind of personhood on earth, in order to rule in the kind of way this being would. I will! (Oh my God, not on my own - like a human’s Left Brain Hemisphere, ignoring the Right, but as with those two hemispheres, in constant interaction to bring about the best possible version of “my choice”. I hear your word that it was not a good idea for the man to be alone. That would not image you very well? But after you had made the man & woman, similar, yet different, you only gave your mandate of ruling over the whole world to the two of them, the partnership. “..male and female God created the Adarm. And God blessed the Adarm and said “Be fruitful, & multiply, and fill the Earth, and rule over it (as a visible expression or manifestation of my kind of ruling). …

Please help this part of an embryo to keep growing, maturing, developing, and save me from my severing tendencies. Yeshua is somehow the Bridge, the Corpus Callosum. And somehow he modelled that complete working with the one he called his Father. I choose for that kind of relating too!.

Every time I forget or drop it. I will just trust you to keep on with the growing process, and start again.

Please also help my good lady and me to learn your creative determinedly loving ways, to model your nature, your being, your idea of humanity’s purpose - to display your essential nature & leadership style.

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