
Get real..

..with your world’s creator/ sustainer (shortened here to God) as well as all your world..

So guard your steps about the house of God. 

Go near to God to listen rather than 

to offer something God’s already got,

for foolish words will desecrate (all \ wo)men÷.

So, don’t be quick to yabber with your lips, 

or even in your heart before God’s throne

in Heaven - heart of all relationships

while you’re on Earth where many aren’t yet known..

As dreams come when we toss & turn with cares;

so many words in speeches just (erode \ explode)#.

And if our words are ty-res  -  are they “spares”,

and wasted^ if they never hit the road?

So do not let your mouth lead you to sin. 

If God hears all, and takes you at your word,

why make things so much harder than they’ve been?

Like anxious dreams, much speech is waste… (absurd \ a turd)*!


÷ to be said as either “desecrate women”, or “desecrate all man” (reader decide which is best for your setting).

#  take your pick which one to say: “erode” or “explode”, both can happen, many words from the speaker both erodes the meaning, and the listeners attention, and can puff up the speaker with a sense of self-importance & grandiosity, and wreck the speech event as a chance for real connection.

‘  Tyres nowadays have a “use by” date, for they disintegrate and split etc after something like 11yrs, even if not used.

*  Choose which to say in your reading event: either “absurd” - meaning meaningless, out of place, not logical or fitting; or “a turd” - a proper name for a formed poo, or dung. A piece of uselessness; unworthy and meaningless  as a gift to anyoneπ . Something to be rid of, rather than put on display.

π  normally true, though I do have a friend who gifts his poo to people with bowel problems, and it helps, it is not meaningless. And is therefore an exception.

Audio Recording draft 1

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