
Father, forgive them - for they don't know what they are doing. ...

Personal choice to forgive, followed by a cuppa together, then… we’ll find out.

Oh God please help that man, like Jesus to

keep on his first decision to forgive.

We’re very glad he showed us what to do.

And how to treat our enemies, to live

the kinder life, that’s bigger, just, & true,

which uses all the rules to grow more love.

The hesed covenants where people do

keep their own word, and woo, instead of shove.

And if old Ciaphas did not turn ‘round

the month after forgiveness came to him,

it’s poss-ib-le that Christ was not astound-

-ed but would trust God’s love to not grow dim.

And there is much we do not know about

the future possibilities we make

by our forgiving others, they may flout

some good options, but others they may take.

The main one we’re responsible for is

ourselves, in what we do, and speak, and pray.

And that’s where we can make some real choices

the days gone by, but then again, today!

Please God, give grace that goes beyond our view

from this small vantage point on Earth these days. 

We love the ways you bring to us renewed

and lovely gifts of friendship (& delays).

We want to learn to see, then voice it true,

the goodness that you plant & bring to birth,

be grateful for each good that good folk do

and praise all goodness that we see on Earth.

Please teach us more, where we are missing some.

Your wisdom, creativity - ours for

the asking, and we do so “Christ please come!”

Oh Maranatha! We will not be glum.

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