
a mother’s day… in an aging body…

Dear Mum, I love you, and I'm glad God's plans 

reach further than our lives en utero,

where we can know no parent’s (woman's/ man's)

attention, love, & smile. And that is so

to help us to be stronger in the light

of day, when we come out, and cord is cut;

it might seem like we’ve lost mum's oversight,

but as cord shrivels, love replaces gut.

And I think this a parable for us,

of closeness to our God (both Dad, & Mum).

En utero, we hardly know the fuss

that God makes of us, untill the Out Come!

Like bits of scripture says: the whole she-bang

is waiting gladly till the kids of God,

come out and are displayed, and gladly hang

around to follow ev’ry-where God trod.

Our bodies will be sim-i-lar, but not

the same, in certain ways they’ll differ much.

But we’ve had this before, and we all got

quite used to other options, kinds of touch.

So thank you God, for helping us not be

so tied to these old bags of skin & bones,

that pass on life through blood, for now we see

there’s diff’rent ways for you to be our homes.

And covenant commitment, faithful love,

is core to each of your plans and each hope.

And so as Christ who welcomed flut’ring dove,

committed it to you, we’ll also cope.

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