
Mind set, Out comes …

reflecting on a SisterStory, in the light of World-View/ HiStory..

A Love that’s not there ’s a force for despair

(a breakdown in the fam’ly-ness of us).

Negating good that’s come to us, to share

it’s essence, and it’s source. There’s no more fuss

of love’s delighted, celebrating life.

It’s all transactional & business like.

The kind of  business mindset, which loves strife

just so it's competition might be spiked.

Oh God how do you see this world of yours?

How do you cope with us - self-centred pricks?

Our violent ways of taking; making laws,

to make the people act - by force - and bricks

that hem the people in by walls, to cut

their options, and curtail what can be done

(sometimes that strategy can help folk, but

at other times, it eats up all the fun

& joy of life - it seems to dissipate,

to leave a kind of anxious, worried, mist

instead, to fill the gap that’s left of late

when whist’ling Laughter left, with her big sist-

er - Joy from sharing good (the more) around.

It’s like it’s not the goods that help at all - 

unless they are a sign-post for where’s found

their Source. We’re each a conduit, here installed

to spread the word, as humans are wont to;

it’s in our highest nature so to share.

Reflecting on a Higher Love that’s true.

To live, while looking UP, above the air.

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