
after a lovely night

Hey thanks for your help setting up stuff yesterday, for your beautiful singing, and contribution in simply being yourself and being there with your beautiful offspring and attitude... It all added goodness to a motley collection of us motley humans....


Oh God we thank you for what you're doing
in spreading out goodness through your fam'ly.
We see in Jesus, and those pursuing
him glimpses OF what we'd more like to be

[and do, too, coz they're cool, but we know that
as HE said, they come out of his heart set
on true responding to, or "copy-cat"
(in mind-ful sort of way, not as parrot)

behaviour, attitude that's just like you]!
Please grow that more in me by your spirit,
protect me from my dead-self shadow too,
that wants to focus on all my merit

and play a self-"defensive" game of woe
(or triumph), 'stead of letting all the stuff
of life be like a game, & have a go
at giving my best shot when things are tough,

& learning from the Master who'd love to
first show me how it's done, then tell secrets,
& help me have his attitude, and do
the kind of moves and ways of being he gets

to have himself, and pass on to those who
should like to learn from him, to "play the game"
& have a kind of dignity, which lose
or win, will still enjoy, and treat the same

the other players who are playing too.
Oh God, I love to see "fam'ly culture"
that springs from love, that comes from out of you
(more like an elephant, than a vulture)!😉

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