
Off On AdVenture

God help us to follow
the thread you have woven
(to beg, steal, or borrow
Irene's lovely cloven-
-hoofed adventure which bears
more goodness with chewing)
To not be unawares,
washed clean in the doing.

Don't bring us hard testing,
please remember our dust,
we want to live resting
in you, or we are "bust" -

- we ask as our Saviour,
our Jesus, has told us,
We bask our behaviour
in Jesus, our boldness,

our courage & SAFEty...
(not ... from a cross & shame
but) from ... that old zombie 
"life" that shoul'n't bear the name;

for like a small virus
it creeps in and infects,
shuts down the new "higher us",
and then clearly rejects

the adventure & life
and discomfort that brings
perspective, makes joy rife.
We reject it! - and sing!

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