
reflection on selection


(Initiated by John Sefton's teaching today on Jesus choosing his 12, "to be with him, and that he might send them out to ...")

A crucial moment in his kind of war

on individu’lism, where we keep

from walking in a garden with who’s more..

more wise and loving, willing too to weep

at what true love & knowledge would weep for.

Instead of just embarrassed that they’d see

his weaknesses & pain, when tired & sore,

he purposely chose men quite ordin’ry

to be with him, along the course of years,

& in extremity & frust-ra-tion,

misunderstanding, joy & love & tears,

on foreign soil, and throughout the nation,

with crowds & people glad of him, & those

who were embittered, trying to get rid

of him, they'd do what they could to expose

him as a fraud, who’d pay what folk would bid.

And he would share his life, & health, & call,

pass on his job & mission - delegate

his spirit - motives, hopes & dreams, yes all

these pers’nal things he’d give. And he’d relate

as close committed friend with hesed* love

a covenant of faithfullness of friends.

He’d love & trust who sent him from above;

and let these see how much & to what ends

he’d go to show, and live, that way on Earth.

His night in prayer was one such thing they knew.

When they could catch from him his very birth,

and kind of life, then he would send them too.

heséd: Hebrew word for determined, covenant, loyal love, variously translated as loving-kindness, faithful love, covenant love, steadfast love etc.

“Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. [14] He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach [15] and to have authority to drive out demons. [16] These are the twelve he appointed: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter), [17] James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means ‘sons of thunder’), [18] Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot [19] and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.” (‭Mark 3:13-19 NIVUK‬)

One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. [13] When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles: [14] Simon (whom he named Peter) and his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, [15] Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon who was called the Zealot, [16] Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor. (‭Luke 6:12-16 NIVUK‬)

“The next day the rulers, the elders and the teachers of the law met in Jerusalem. [6] Annas the high priest was there, and so were Caiaphas, John, Alexander and others of the high priest’s family. [7] They had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them: …

When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realised that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” (‭Acts 4:5-7, 13 NIVUK‬)


Listening in..

God, may I know the wisdom of deep list-

en-ing? I want this quality of you.

I want to give you glory, to persist

in doing only what I see you do.

So I like him, who led me to yourself,

might caref’ly hear & see what's going on

within our world, so your good grace and health

can be spread right through all we do anon.

By all means, I now understand, he asked

some questions that would cut through to the bone.

They marvelled at that 12 yr old, aghast

at the insightful questions he intoned.

So he was not just castigating folk.

He learned his Beit Midrash, as many did,

to interact by asking, not just joke-

ing. God, I'm still a pre-Beit-Midrash kid.

Well, here I am. At times a chatter box.

Excited, and just spruiking round the place.

I’m trying to, as much as I can, fox

the snakey part of me that’s a disgrace.

I hear you say “as harmless as a dove.”

I’ve seen those doves both cooing, bowing round.

But “wise as serpent”, brings a working love

that’s calculated to help motives found

from elsewhere. As the scriptures ask: “Will that

be beneficial to those list’ning in?”

So truth & love do meet & kiss in fact

when we ask in the spirit of our King.

Audio Draft 2 (of ~70), listenin’ in


A friend's friend’s nephew just died..

Oh God, give your good spirit who is an

alongsider, to these folk so they know

your own presence both weeping with them &

may your folk with them, truly him follow.

Her Dad just died!


God please keep giving to your children there

not words to say, but actions to be you -

your presence there with her in ways that share

her pain & sorrow, as your body'd do.


getting better ...


God do your helping healing kind of thing

that your life's course in Johnstons re-new-ing

will into this community more bring

the kind of true response that helps us sing.


These days in this place..

Oh God, you shine through all your progeny.

‘s’not always easy pinpointing how “like”?

The smile, the love of life, the empathy,

the celebrating goodness, humour’s spike -

deflating confrontation, or for fun,

& sometimes escalating it to show

reality & power have undone

about as often as we’d care to know.

Another thing’s that creativity 

which paints a brand new picture ev’ry day

to say I’m thinking of you. How’d ya be?

But doesn't push it in our face, or say

the words out loud, to interrupt if we

just don’t want to be talking then ourselves, 

or if we’d like some space alone to “be”.

You seem to feel the same at times. Your health’s

such that it is embarrassing to say.

For we’re so small and fragile, needy too,

that we might ‘pop’ if shaken the wrong way.

So you stand by, real near, till we seek you.

As soon as we reach out ourselves to find

some help, or wisdom, if it’s not too late,

then we find that our darkness doesn’t blind

the source of light, & vision, love &:hate.

I think I see a bit more, since before;

and that’s a product of this very thing.

You’re near your children, but you let them pour

their energies where they’d like to. You sing.

See blog mentions (20-23 June 2024) of only some of the amazing people who reflect creative love around this place and this pic out the window this cold morning: 



 (wonky Left Brain Hemisphere?)

I’m getting frustrated, oh god of me.

I have an imp inside me who is queer,

he’s harping on about that I don’t see

you very much, so that you can’t be near.

I’ve answered him a thousand times before.

I’ve sat down at the table, undone all

my upbringing, assumptions, maybe more,

and worked as best I could, to let things fall

the weigh of truth, the way of hesed* love.

And that, along with logic’s models and

the things I still can “see”, when eyes are cov-

ered up, like what makes sense, helps understand..

I've kept no secrets, let him “in” to all.

Ah, now I see! He can’t, and never will.

That means that he is really rather small.

My Left Brain Hemisphere models until..

the cows come home. And that’s his job for me. 

He’s kind of like my servant who is blind.

He thinks, and totes, and figures what must be

with all the data that I truly find.

I don’t think he is honest all the time,

he has a grudge against you for your love

of me. He says he thinks that I’m sublime,

and thinks I should be boss. The one above.

I wonder if he thinks that then I’ll see

he’s better at computing than am I

and let him take the top job, so that he

could be in charge. I think he’d like to try. 

That mistrust is my problem, I can see.

But also it is yours who made me thus.

So with some little plans to try so he

will have a chance himself, to learn to trust…

I wonder could he meet you? Or will that

have to be when it’s he who wants to see?

I’ll try to get him ready. God, you’re flat

out wonderful. That wonder's now in me.

So, thanks for letting me help you redeem

a world of imps like this one in myself.

By wisdom all of hesed’s highest dreams

might one day come about to our full health.

 * hesed: the Hebrew word expressing loyal love, loving kindness, honest honour, streadfast love, constant compassion, faithful loyalty.


Psalm - one walking through Queensland plains

 (on an overcast winter afternoon, with a warm sun poking through at times)

The grasses bow and bend their heads before

the wind that comes as it sees fit to do.

They dance upon these Queensland plains and more -

these wattles, brigalow, and gum do too.

Would they under this spirit-wind’s caress 

go dancing, sighing, shimmering and more,

& I just walk aloof, as though un-blessed

(even She-oaks shussle with their score)

Why when it comes again , this cool sweet breeze,

I’ll join with all the rest of nature's hoard

and add the sounds i can to jumping knees

to honor all the good of our sweet Lord!

Creative love, itself a god of kinds,

but unlike all the pantheon of Greece,

more like the one Yeshua says he finds

to be a father who is very pleased

(not with rapacious ruin of the world,

but) when “his” kid looks up, humbles themself,

returns to join in with that flag unfurled

creative love, for goodness’ sake brings health,

and speaks the truth, with stories as he passed

of grasses, & the birds, and thistles too,

of donkies or of oxen fed at last,

of cows that fall into a hole & moo.

Would I, unlike creative love itself,

prefer to speak of more “religious” stuff?

“No Sir!”, I answer, for I find my wealth

in world, & folk around about enough.

creative love


I thank you for my life and limbs

to move through this whole world that hymns 

the good of love’s creative whims.

To make each self that learns & sings

the song that from it bell-like rings

-  and also animals and things.

I thank you for that lovely breeze,

I thank you for the sun through trees

(then there’s the music; more than these).

Maybe I’ll hear a tall one sneeze,

for as i look they truly sway,

the short ones dandle leaves today

that catch the light, send it this way.

And I am one put here to say

what could be said, & try to play

the music, so more ears can hear

some notes (of Chardonnay, or beer,)

of what goes down in this world here,

these ecosystems that appear

and work with all concerted cheer

for good that’s all, in all, so near…

if I reach out, I might just touch

creative love & good as such

not just their services, so much,

or all the “goods” - there's quite a clutch 

of eggs that bring more good, no glut

just piles, enough to make ya shut 

ya mouth; then open wide… this much…

Say “Ahh”...

Strength & heart


My lovely lady sent me this the other day, from the Judao-Christian scriptures: 

“Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.” (‭Psalm 84:5 NIVUK‬)

I understand the “you” is not a prophet, a priest or a king, but the creative love that IS, and made & sustains all the “Universe” (which in their conception was not a flat one dimensional or “Uni” verse at all, , as some of us moderns seem to see it, but the heavens (seen as primal, principle and principal), & the earth (seen as a kind of stage, where these principles, and principalities were manifest or expressed, played out). Maybe like a king’s court room, with courtiers; and his country.

Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.” (‭Psalm 84:5 NIVUK‬)

I know this for myself, they speak the truth 

who say that those are blest - all those whose strength

derives from, and is in, and also through

the source of all that lives, and is, at length.

It then addresses hearts, & where they’re set.

The heart denotes the love of your treasure;

and what that is we might not quite know yet

but it in turn affects the love’s own measure.

The kind of flame that burns on diff’rent stuff

has different colours, heats, and wind effects.

Some things can burn much longer, they’re enough.

While others don’t much burn, but are magnets.

And love of heart’s a way of moving too.

A way, a path, though steep, that’s going up

into the “New Jerusalem” where you

open your court for ruling out of love.

My life is not some status quo, but is

a walk that’s daily with creative love,

a pilgrimage through this world into his.

This portal metaphors to what’s above.

There’s something in a pilgrims life that’s fun 

it sees the good around, but it’s not caught

up in it, though might stay & help someone 

along the way Some battles may be fought

at least within the self, some must be won,

against the pull of comfort of “my house.”

And there’s the chance to still enjoy the fun -

creative love’s own pleasures are more grouse!

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” (Psalms 16:11 NIVUK‬)