
run by..

So, run by me again, the motive force, 

the driving principle of all your life. 

What is the starting impetus, the source,

for all intentions in taking a wife

or combing hair, or eating food today,

in going out, or coming in the room,

what gives inception to the thoughts you play

with in your head, before they are entombed

within this world as deeds, in history -

that then gives birth to all that comes on next.

What's "chosen" you, & you responded, see

you chose in that response. That's your pre-text,

or its, to claim "you chose of your free-will".

But suff'ring, somehow sets a human will, 

as cold after a sauna might until

you start to shiver - then you've had your fill.

Just as Messiah suffered in the flesh, 

you too must see that you're equipped yourselves 

with that same mental armor. So espesh-

ly suffering's; in any kind of health,

a simple way to help me cease from sin

so as to live the rest of mortal life 

not just controlled by my desires in

my fleshly way of living. Which is rife. 

For  social/ biological its cause,

it matters not, it clarifies things well!

Will life be run by what God's will implores?

Or just desires unbridled, bringing hell?

So, then, just as the Messiah suffered in the flesh, you too must equip yourselves with the same mental armor. Someone who suffers in the flesh has ceased from sin, 2 so as to live the rest of their mortal life no longer controlled by unbridled human desires but led by something much more enduring: the will of God. 1Peter 4:1-2


First and "last" (great Son of Adam)

How would the human world, that's by and large-

ly set up from that independant streak

that Cain established. Not list'ning he'd barge

off on his own trajectory, to peak

in killing his own brother, rather than

the stinking rotten bit of his own self.

He killed the neighbour round him, as you can

with concrete stuff around you. Abstract "health"!

How can you side with that and kill this thing

that like a roaring dragon (fire, scales, claws),

is resident within each self, called "sin".

It doesn't have a body. It claims "yours" -

by making me a slave to kill off you.

To steal, to kill, destroy - that's its own way,

its modus operandi; one, then two.

It claims its name to make it big, they say.

It wants its name (or the name of its son -

its happy making offspring into pawns)

to be remembered, kept and known as one

that has the power. That's how it adorns

its robes, to signify its majesty,

it's rule, and way of keeping itself "safe".

For safe it surely doesn't feel you see;

invisible, a brutal power, a wraithe

is harboured  somewhere here within this world.

But God, and humans looking-on, can know

an act of love, for motive's often curled,

perceived through actions, more than words that flow.

Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why that scowl on your face? If you had done the right thing, you would be smiling; but because you have done evil, sin is crouching at your door. It wants to rule you, but you must overcome it.”...

Genesis 4  vs 6-‬7GNTD

..but the world must know that I love the Father; that is why I do everything as he commands me. “.. John 14:31



So once a boy grew ev'ry day more big,

and able to do more things, with more strength,

and also with more streetwise ways to dig

more holes to help get in, or out, at length..

And being named like a great king's old dad

who taught his children well when they were kids,

this fellow leads me thinking (that's not sad)

about our parents' influence that's hid

sometimes within our minds, and ways we choose;

the things that give direction to our lives,

and form at length an artwork seen by who's..

..who's looking on, and lets our life survive..

sometimes it might be only in their own

imagination, memory, or mind,

their heart; for friendly people have been shown

to make more space on Earth for folk to find

a purpose bigger than their own desires,

which often-times are small, truncated things,

especially if our circumstance requires

more than we have been given. With no wings,

with not much that's invested in our lives,

(at least that's how we see things from our own

point of view), we think if we survive

so frugally we're not much worth. Point shown.

This boy would still be growing to a man.

Oh boy, a lot's at stake, choose well your help-

-ers. God help him! I'll gladly watch what can

be done by partnership with all that wealth.


A country to learn of & honour

The news has come to us today that we

might travel safely to a brighter land

that's close enough that one day we may see it (from a plane or boat - you understand)!

It's "neighbour" to Australia & was 

an ally in some wars in days gone by.

Some biscuits join our names, & so because we shared them during trouble - now we sigh

when mums & grannies make them crisp, or else 

they might be chewy (made with heaps of oats)

& we recall the times gone by we felt 

some friendship in our uniforms & coats

… (unfinished)


Sunday arvo get-together..

Well our man Will will come and go today.

This week has been a learning week for him.

He says he's learned to trust God in some way

that could mean he is sent by your own whim,

and then like genie of Aladdin's lamp

who said with strength and some capacity

(when lamp was rubbed), "Your wish is my command."

May that be true for Will. That we might see

your will enfleshed, in this world, here on Earth.

The angel said to Mary that "With God,

there's nothing that's impossible". That's worth

our walking here "with God", as Enoch trod

three hundred years or so, answered that call

instead of sewing leaves & hiding in

the shadows, he went out, and walking tall

gave offering like Abel did, with grin;

and walked on in and out, shared life as friend

of God, with him in His world, what a blast!

May all of us who'll walk right to the end

of this life with him be surprised at last.

And Chris, and Dave & me (& one who left

to not be so constrained with group-ish stuff),

may all of us grow "treasured", not bereft

of things that really matter, when life's tough.

And you yourself creative love and joy,

& peace & patience, kindness, goodness too,

& self-control (as we see in your boy),

with faithfulness. We want to grow like you!


Bright eyes

A blessing from the God of great treasure

and wealth beyond imagining, who made

the stars that make up gold. Who can measure

each galaxy, and hairs that would evade

the brush, or scalp if brushed out day by day.

Who's most creative in the whole shebang.

Who's generous beyond what words can say

in keeping this whole dream-time world a-hang-

ing in existence, as he thinks it up,

and keeps it there in mind, for us to have

what matters for us, time & space erupts

with matter for us to walk on and nav-

igate around upon, and live, and move

and have our being. All these things that you've

both made & then maintained, for us to prove

that Iove exists, responding, in the groove

of love's own course to benefit the both!

Not just one sided, as is conquer-ing.

(Unless the conqu'ring is within a trōth,

a game of fun, that ends in both singing.)

A God of generosity, and grace,

Who loves to give, so much that we must learn

just to say thanks to this one we can't face

as yet, but one day may. If we won't spern

the gift of growth, as foetus in this womb

world that we find ourselves within just now.

With eyes wide open, this side of our tomb,

we're rich enough to be gen'rous* - somehow.

"You will always be rich enough to be generous." 2Cor 9:8 

Plus, see past blog post "Un-stingy"


Babe to hopital

Oh Sam & Eb you Dad & Mum of she

who lived this last year in that home with you;

and gave your lives together to Poppy,

and to her Mum, & Dad, God's children too,

may you endure, within the grief and stress

that is your lot just now, as only child-

ren can within a world that is a mess,

more for the fact that folk won't learn to build

together with the builder of new world's.

Oh God, please give your love, & wisdom too,

to these two, as they serve that little girl's

good growth, & gentle smile, reflecting you.


Paul & Katrina (from our father in heaven).


fruit with seed in it… will be yours for food^

Then, at the right time, as the story's told

by God & Adam, as this world's hist'ry;

well sure enough, the woman's seed is bold,

her offspring stomps on reptile head & we

in him, must die, and take the poison'd shot

into our bloodstream, like a cup drunk up,

but trusting what creative love has got

in store, for new creation to erupt!

Reptilian mindset, with dinosaurs,

has been weighed up and found "wanting", & dumped.

When woman's seed appears (even from whores),

the lowly's lifted up, and POWER's slumped.

In weakness & maligned, and looked down on

this woman's seed or offspring then appears.

The angel warns "the holy thing then born 

of you, will look like, and have God's own ears…

& be known as the very Son of God.

You are to call his name GodYahwehSaves

Yeshua (Hebrew), Jesus (Greek), you've got

the one who'll save his people from their graves

because he saves from sin (that falling short

of all the hopes of God that we would rule -

but in the spirit of who won't abort

well, willingly, when even seen as 'fool')

He'd save from sin, which he said makes us slaves

But he will do much more than that, he'll lead 

us back into our real Home which behaves

as walled-Garden (itself's a model-seed

to bring about God's new-creation here).

As Noah brought a new creation once,

once humans were re-set, the world would fear

them, ruled not by great love, but one who hunts.

A second Adam, starter up again,

was needed who would live as son of God,

from love, not from a fear of greater pain,

in life of love, humility, he trod

among us as a parent does who serves

their children who are dear to them, to set

them up with wills, and disciplined their nerves

to act to bring the best, at least to bet

their lives on it, and still to trust that love,

creative in its very nature for

it's harmless (not a snake, but flying dove),

yet wise as serpent, wiser in love's lore.

His life's the flesh around the seed of God,

and brings a bunch of things together such

that as the 'seed of just woman', he trod

this earth, but also 'seed of God'. Some touch.

He says to do much more, to eat and live.

The flesh of this, the fruit of that first tree*,

the tree of life, the central tree will give

such life, but now from death, it seems to me.

And life from death is resurrection. We

must follow him who drank the medicine up.

The antidote to death from second tree,

we follow through our death of self, then sup

with him, and he then is fruit of that first

tree planted long ago by God himself,

& willingly take on our death, we burst

into the garden's (agonies &) wealth.

The garden-temple (tabernacle, shrine)

the bed-room for a marriage planned at first:

creative-love unites with humans, wine

is flowing freely, life is fit to burst ..

The tree of life, not good to eat when we

just have a reptile life within our veins,

is "good to go" when new humanity

will follow leader Jesus through our pains.

No longer live out independence from 

the heavens here on Earth where we are meant

to live out that creative-love we long

to here enflesh, for this is why we're sent.

We gladly give allegiance to this Lord.

Yeshua (in the words of Thomas as),

our "Lord & God". This fruit won't be abhorred,

we'll eat its flesh.  It freely gives for us.

^  Then God said, “I now give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the entire earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. Genesis 1:29 NET

*  tree of life, first named tree in scripture: "The Lord God planted an orchard in the east, in Eden; and there he placed the man he had formed. The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow from the soil, every tree that was pleasing to look at and good for food. (Now the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil were in the middle of the orchard.)" Genesis 2:8‭-‬9 NET