
OFF-er-ing up..

Katrina, I have seen the lovely choice-

ces to do good, to love here, just because

you choose to give vent to those other voice-

ces, breathing wind of love that always WAS,

and IS, the life-breath, mouth to mouth the same

can be passed on to help a person live,

instead of letting death conclude and claim

these people for itself, you smile, and give

from what the breath of life and love gives you,

you pass it on again, and it has worked

to pass on life, maintain, or bring back to

its former glory, before snakey lurked

and "took advantage" of God's little kids.

Then somehow Katey-trina you choose to,

extend this narrative this way, you slid

some choices, words, & smiles towards this "zoo" -

to let love grow on Earth again you blow,

to wake up zombied people for whom love

is just another mechanism, show

(to simulate the life that's "from above").

But you and I now know the trick of God's

to bring his life & love to Earth this way,

through actions, language, smiles, and stories, lots

of lovely little breaths of life that stay

and make their homes within these plots of soil,

these garden-beds that can grow seed that's good.

It's lovely as I see you work and toil,

along with God, to do what good you could.


His work!

 Too close to the bone. But known, yes now known..

Oh God, what sons we are! And thankful too

for power that's within your kind of love, 

the creativity that's strong in you, 

that works in weakness, troubles, far above

what cynicism, and what hate can do.

It works another way than other ways

of navigating in this world that you

keep in existence, as right now displays,

within this dreaming of the very one

whose dreamt intentions now afford this world

which is, & is contingent, as it comes

in, streaming as your mind and heart unfold.

And you, oh God, just love to aid, abett,

and multiply what love would like to do,

in traveling, and buying beer so yet

a "brother" could once more reach out for you.

With notes around the place to help folk know,

with no coercion, but the dignity

of choice which love will always want to show

to "gods" and "godesses", as now we see.

And even when your love in us is weak,

its fi-re is nigh out, its life near gone,

it's still the motive force which worlds do speak

of, just by plain existing - like this one!

And history, and life that's shared, is not

at all a waste, if we let you right in.

For you can work backwards through time, you've got

the power of the lamb to conquer sin!

Grace and Peace is His and (if you are his), thus yours! 


re. Mates

Men. ... I am available this arvo 

C.U. if you make it...

Oh God! I'm glad that you are roundabout 

& that you've made us for your very self,

and also to connect with friends who'll clout

us when we need it, and help grow our health.



Oh God, please intervene on the behalf

of the delight of my own eyes and self,

to steal back from the very one who'd laugh

as they devour what they have stole by stealth.

I see that we are immature, unformed,

a mix of impulses, and habits too,

of fears, and hopes, desires, and forlorn

nostalgic fake impressions that won't do

the job of letting love express itself

within and through the atoms, molecules,

and substances which let this world in health-

y right relationships not just be tools

of mechanistic impulse, which if true,

could be all that all things amount to here.

Oh Lord, & God of all that is, it's you

alone who can step in (it would appear)

in such a way that honours time and space,

& matter, energy, as well as choice,

and still lets each become, to give a place

for growing, thriving, shallom which employs

things in a process that would honour love,

& creativity - that brings yet more

goodness & wisdom down here, from above

this universe, this world, you've put here for

a staging of a drama that is watched

by beings way more skilled & powerful,

to show off to who may think it's been botched,

displaying fam'ly love that's wonderful.


Everyone dies - Not everyone truly lives!

  1. The story of the scriptures is to us

a Way to hold much truth - in ways that let

it still be mined to find the gold as such

in other times and places that we get.

  1. And in that story, God says they would die,

right "in the day you eat thereof" - surely! -

if they were to look for wisdom on high

and act like it would come from fruit on tree,

  1. instead of time, and shared life with their dad.

But then the story lets it look like life 

continues for eight cent'ries more (though sad) 

before Adam will see his death, though strife

  1. he'll sees enough! The story begs us to 

look more, below the surface,  check who speaks.

3And ask what God could mean? What did ensue?

What that might mean for ev'ry one who peeks?

  1. Does that mean that we're born dead? Me, & you?

And will we all lose physical lives too?

And many people died on crosses, who

might even hope their death might help friends too.

  1. At least that kind of death shows friendship true,

but still the kind of thing that may occur.

So not unique in history; God's choose-

ing is to side with those most seen to err.

  1. His prophet, his anointed leader then

must suffer in a way none would desire,

and show the kind of loy'lty of a friend,

the kind of life that's known as more, and higher!


Healer, heal yourself!

(but, First-things first!)

So what's it mean to go as we are sent?

And how is your reign, your rule over all?

And is it true that your scent's truly meant

to be sent out as we just live "on call".

And is it true that all things work for good

to those who listen to you call and come.

Or do I think that only power could,

along with strength, bring healing and un-numb.

And what was it that Christ's apostle said?-

He'd "glory in his weaknesses" for then

God's kind of strength, the strength of kindness, led

to understanding for those who see when

the light is shining in the darkest place.

The Christ light has its own authority

that's real and it shines from his lovely face,

is brighter than the sun, yet some can't see.

And he is able even to use that

unseeing part of who we really are.

If we will offer all we are, he'll bat 

on ou-r side. We'll un-der-stand (not spar).

And this leads me again to see the gift

that "un-seeing*", & "un-knowing°" can be

if we will let that "other knowing°" lift

us up, upon our Abba-Father's knee.

And during this our infancy's quick time,

if we will keep on asking you for help,

instead of just assuming we're sublime,

recalling too that we are this God's whelp!

° e.g. Thomas who did NOT see what all the other apostles saw. And Jesus' personal word to him, & to all his apostles, about greater blessing available through that condition (John 20:19‭-‬29). And the way God used a time of "UN-seeing" in Paul's life (Acts 9:1-22), to help him see new things, and see everything newly; and the way the spirit of God led him to spread out that unseeingness, to another once (Acts 13:6-12; I think he was hoping for a similar opportunity for that man, because of the way God's grace works with those who try to work against him).

*  the "Cloud of unknowing", plus the apostle Paul's request to God for removal of his "thorn in the flesh" (2Cor 12:5-10, noting God's response, then Paul's (so responsive) response to God's response), and his confidence that ".. we will know - as we have been known" (1 Cor 13:12)

Joining a new group!

Wow! I just found a group I'd love to be part of online, and maybe face to face too.  It is called YES, YOU ARE.. and the link to their statement is here

It looks like anyone can join. 

I am in!

This club, or group, has a blessing which I want to learn a.s.a.p. to help in my neighbourhood.


Who sings when we discern no angels' song?

When the song of the angels is stilled,

when the star in the sky is gone,

when the neighbouring babes have been killed,

& the soldiers and Magi are home,

when the shepherds are back with their flock,

and the bureaucrats' census played out

and the seizers for power are clocked,

the reason for Christmas weighs in:

responding in offering to God:

  • to find those lost, because of sheep choosing to not follow their shepherd, folk choosing to not follow their God, to grow up like Creative Love (& instead, choosing to follow an animal with a reptilian predator mindset)

  • to heal the broken because of people's insane competition with God,

  • to feed the hungry along with the God, whose gift of all food is simply divine love made edible,

  • to release the prisoner, empowered by the mercy of God,

  • to rebuild the nations in the style of, and for the purposes of, the God of all cultures, and peoples,

  • to bring thriving shalom-peace among others by reason of the God's, and their own, blessing,

  • to make music and song in the heart, to the God who is both Creator & Love.

-  Paul Walker (following AFTER Howard Thurman, Edward Shilllito, and Unknown Authors)

When the song of the angels is stilled,

when the star in the sky is gone,

when the kings and princes are home,

when the shepherds are back with

their flock,

the work of Christmas begins:

to find the lost,

to heal the broken,

to feed the hungry,

to release the prisoner,

to rebuild the nations,

to bring peace among others,

to make music in the heart.

- Howard Thurman


If we have never sought, we seek Thee now;

Thine eyes burn through the dark, our only stars;

We must have sight of thorn-pricks on Thy brow,

We must have Thee, O Jesus of the Scars.

The heavens frighten us; they are too calm;

In all the universe we have no place.

Our wounds are hurting us; where is the balm?

Lord Jesus, by Thy Scars, we claim Thy grace.

If, when the doors are shut, Thou drawest near,

Only reveal those hands, that side of Thine;

We know today what wounds are, have no fear,

Show us Thy Scars, we know the countersign.

The other gods were strong; but Thou wast weak;

They rode, but Thou didst stumble to a throne;

But to our wounds only God’s wounds can speak,

And not a god has wounds, but Thou alone.

- Edward Shillito

  • "All the food of this world is divine love made edible."

  • Genesis ch 1-4

- Unknown (to me) Author(s)