
A blessing on parting

Go well.. 

outa hell.. 

with creative love..


Friends travelling interstate


Oh God, please bless these friends, you know their names.

Please help them to connect with those they hope

to meet with as they travel, and the same

for those you bring along to help them cope.

To help them cope, - both those you bring to them, 

and they themselves you bring to others too.

Please also just rejuvenate them when

they need the space to place their hearts in you.

And bring them back both safe & sound, to home -

we mean to you, their Father's fam-ily.

To own your children who ran off alone,

as brothers,  sisters, whom you want to free.


Never mind.


Never mind.

Never mind, this soul and body is,

a collection of a group of things..

..of thoughts, ideas, and feelings, gifts,

which have come down from goodness up above..

Who lives, in places that are unseen now?

One day, will we see things more clearly, or,

be only a little less befuddled.

Who cares for us on earth down here below..?

We men, and mice, have futures, even though,

at times there is less goodness, and more woe,

the so-called bad, it's difficult to know,

that in our struggles, we can surely grow.

There's not a soil more fertile than that one,

in which a person finds that he is on.

..and, trusting in the gardener, which keeps,

our souls. I'm told, this watchman never sleeps.

His dream-time  is our hist'ry here in time,

he's keeping it together in his mind;

and as we make our choices, learn to rhyme

with his intentions. Ours he's sure to find!


Offering.. the spirit of life & friendship..

A sacrifice, an offering up, or back,

to God (creative love, YaHWeH, that's  you);

was round before a temple/ tabernac-

le built by humans; so a friendship true

could be established, and, then tended, grown.

The Earth itself was "Tabernacle", or

a "Temple" for the worshippers soon shown

the "rites" to rightly worship who was core,

more real than what was seen, more to the heart 

and spirit of reality itself.

When God, for humankind, kills beast(s) it starts.

He ushers them outside of Eden's wealth

then from the holy place he keeps them out, 

by means of holy servants at the gate.

To hide their nakedness, their shame at flout-

ing simple clear instructions; grace would wait

and give them skins to wear as clothes instead

of "glorious light" a-shining from their forms

(before the shame that came when they're misled).

Their deaths, as yet unseen, thus "felt" in storms

of high emotion, as was killed, a part -

of this their world, their home, their livestock, art.

And God "spoke" to them then, un-word-ed-ly*,

to help them know how death could cover shame.

These animal's, whom they could learn to rule,

could be the means for them to learn to love,

to come to know their first love, and not fool

with learning from what's lower, not above.

Hence when the son of Adam (& of Eve),

ol' Cain, (and little brother Abel), weave

their offerings to God, implied were aims;

recall God looks past form, right to the heart.

And heart is never static, movement's key,

just as a wave is moving as it "is".

It is affected by the choices we

make, when they make space scaffold-like-to-his.

And God himself speaks to "Adam's first son",

and questions: "Why so downcast?", then implies: 

"If you do right, your off'ring will be one -

accepted (by me)" - "otherwise sin lies.."

And how did God accept it, do you think?

Both Cain & Abel somehow must have known.

Somehow, with word or action (but not wink),

he had communicated, he had shown.

Some hints may be with Sampson's Parents, and 

King David then Elijah, as God showed

his covenanted folk who'd understand

a bit, but still not much, this let's them know!

With moving shrine(s) of skin, & temple too, 

God showed his people that he was with them.

At pentecost new covenant's imbued

with sign of offerings of God, again.

* recall that God is into training his children to really listen, & to hear, transferring whole-of-life responses involving one's actions and attitudes. Some say that for this kind of communication over 50% of normal human-to-human and human-to-animal communication is non-verbal or "body language", much of God's to his people was pictorial and conceptual, and often his "speech" is action-in-response not even vocal, but even when vocal, not always verbal. The prophet's job is to put God's overall "Message" or the real "Need-at-the-moment" into a life lived/ dramatized/ enacted out, and often creative psalms-or-songs sung, or words uttered, mostly as poetry, where though words are used, it is aiming to touch whole-of-life responses, deeper than the data-receiver part of the human brain/mind.


Thank You to the G.S.L.F.S.*


The concept of a sacrifice that's off-

ered to a God, creative love, like you;

was round before a temple/ tabernacle

was built by humans, so a friendship true

could be established, and then tended, grown.

For God, as Gard'ner, loves to see good fruit,

and loves the process of the tending, shown

by planting seed, and cultivating shoots.

Then with the Gardener image, Shepherd comes,

to guard a flock of sheep, all known by name,

whose specialty might be, though they be "dumb",

to turn the grass to wool, and milk the same.

And then the Lover image comes along,

with thrill, and secret times together too,

but spilling out to sharing life and song,

as partners who would share whate'r they do!

This Father then joins in to raise each child,

with secret name for each, he knows each one.

He understands potential can run wild

if it's not disciplined, each daughter/son,

could be a source of grief, and mourning too.

We see you've grieved and mourned before we did.

So blessed are those who mourn; they copy you.

You're full of joy as each of your kids slid

back into home from running off themselves.

The Fam'ly Spirit seen in diff'rent ways

in all who own their fam'ly commonwealth,

comes out in every action each displays.


Pray for a woman & her family..

 Txt2me: Hi Paul, ...  appreciate prayer.. for our daughter who is .. with ... serious ..health issues. Thank you.

ReturnTxt: ok.

Oh God you know this daughter of these folk,

and we know since they love and seek the best

for her who is quite sick, that you won't poke

them in the eye, or see this just as test..

You give us each a portion of your love,

and happily give wisdom when we ask.

So please teach us your love that's from above,

and give your daughter grace for ev'ry task.

And for her Mum and Dad, to play their part

and us to join with them, to learn to pray,

in ways that are within the style and art

of your own son, who's still with us today…


A night with the Eurythmics' songs

I reckon God is unlike any god 

we've made or will, within our image and

in likeness of ourselves, for they've all  got

our motives on, to help them up, to stand!

For then I try to understand myself

(with reas'ning circ-u-lar) from off of them.

I rash-nalize by this means, then, my health

(or lack thereof), by looking up to when

I'd be a god and rule upon this Earth

(or time & space quite similar to this).

But not so I will grow into my birth-

right here and now, when things seem quite remiss,

but so I'll feel about myself, quite good 

(and sometimes act much better than the gods),

and if I fail occash'nally that would

be not so bad, considering those bods.

No other gods achieve their ends "perhaps";

and have as purposes that others "might"

reach out to find the one who is to chaps

(and chap-ess-es) quite close, both day & night;

as does this God, who knows we need to fear

him, not because he'll make us if we don't,

but 'coz he made us capable, and we're

designed by love to choose - unless we won't.

And when a poet sees the poetry

within this world of God's, and speaks it out,

it's like that tree of life, or t'other tree,

that woos, and those who choose from love won't pout!

“His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’

Acts of the Apostles in partnership with the spirit of God 17:27‭-‬28 NLT

ζητεῖν τὸν ⸀θεὸν εἰ ἄρα γε ψηλαφήσειαν αὐτὸν καὶ εὕροιεν, καί γε οὐ μακρὰν ἀπὸ ἑνὸς ἑκάστου ἡμῶν ὑπάρχοντα. ἐν αὐτῷ γὰρ ζῶμεν καὶ κινούμεθα καὶ ἐσμέν, ὡς καί τινες τῶν καθ’ ὑμᾶς ποιητῶν εἰρήκασιν· Τοῦ γὰρ καὶ γένος ἐσμέν.

ΠΡΑΞΕΙΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΩΝ 17:27‭-‬28 SBLG + parsed Greek

Songs by Eurythmics

Thorn in my side ..

Run, run, from you. …. Or is it to you? depends on who the "you" is!

Thorn in My Side

Song by Eurythmics


You gave me such a bad time

Tried to hurt me

But now I know

Thorn in my side

You know that's all you ever were

A bundle of lies

You know that's all that it was worth

I should have known better

But I trusted you at first

I should have known better

But I got what I deserved



To run away from you

Was all that I could do

To run away from you

Was all that I could do

To run away from you

Was all that I could do

To run away from you

Was all that I could do

Thorn in my side

You know that's all you'll ever be

So don't think you know better

'Cause that's what you mean to me

I was feeling complicated

I was feeling low

Now every time I think of you

I shiver to the bone



To run away from you

Was all that I could do

To run away from you

Was all that I could do

To run away from you

Was all that I could do

To run away from you

Was all that I could do

Would I lie to you?

Song by Eurythmics

Would I lie to you?

Would I lie to you honey?

Now would I say something that wasn't true?

I'm asking you sugar

Would I lie to you?

My friends know what's in store

I won't be here anymore

I've packed my bags

I've cleaned the floor

Watch me walkin'

Walkin' out the door

Believe me, I'll make it, make it

Tell me, would I lie to you?

Believe me, I'll make, it make it

Ooh, yes I will

Would I lie to you? (Oh no, no)

Would I lie to you honey? (Honey, would I lie to you?)

Now would I say something that wasn't true?

I'm asking you sugar

Would I lie to you?

Tell you straight, no intervention

To your face, no deception

You're the biggest fake

That much is true

Had all I can take

Now I'm leaving you

Believe me, I'll make it, make it

Oh, yes I will

Believe me, I'll make, it make it

Make it, make it, make it, make it...

Would I lie to you? (I'll make, it make it)

Would I lie to you honey?

Now would I say something that wasn't true?

I'm asking you sugar

Would I lie?

Would I lie to you?

Would I lie to you honey?

Now would I say something that wasn't true?

I'm asking you sugar

Would I lie to you?

My friends know what's in store

I won't be here anymore

I've packed my bags

I've cleaned the floor

Watch me walkin'

Walkin' out the door

Believe me, watch me, watch me

Ooh yeah

Believe me, watch me, watch me

Ooh, yes I will

Would I lie to you?

Believe me, watch me, watch me, watch me

Ooh yeah

Would I lie to you?

Believe me, watch me, watch me

I said, would I lie to you? (Ooh yeah)

Believe me

Watch me, watch me, watch me

Watch me, watch me, watch me, ooh (believe me)

Ah-huh, ah-huh yeah

Watch me now

Oh honey, would I lie? Honey, would I lie.?

Would I lie to you?

Believe me

Would I lie to you?

Believe me

Would I lie to you?

Believe me

Would I lie to you?

Believe me

Would I lie to you?

Believe me

Would I lie to you?

Believe me

Would I lie to you?

Believe me...

Songwriters: Annie Lennox / David Allan Stewart

There Must Be an Angel (Playing with My Heart)

Song by Eurythmics

No one on earth could feel like this

I'm thrown and overblown with bliss

There must be an Angel

Playing with my heart

I walk into an empty room

And suddenly my heart goes boom

It's an orchestra of Angels

And they're playing with my heart

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

No one on earth could feel like this

I'm thrown and overblown with bliss

There must be an Angel

Playing with my heart

And when I think that I'm alone

It seems there's more of us at home

It's a multitude of Angels

And they're playing with my heart, yeah

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel

I must be hallucinating

Watching Angels celebrating

Could this be reactivating

All my senses dislocating?

This must be a strange deception

By celestial intervention

Leaving me the recollection

Of your Heavenly connection

I walk into an empty room

Suddenly my heart goes boom

It's an orchestra of angels

They're playing with my heart, yeah

Missionary man

Born an original sinner, i was virn from original sin.. 

Man on a mission

I've a message for you that you better believe

Missionary Man

Song by Eurythmics

Well I was born an original sinner.

I was borne from original sin.

And if I had a dollar bill

For all the things I've done

There'd be a mountain of money

Piled up to my chin

My mother told me good

My mother told me strong.

She said "Be true to yourself

And you can't go wrong."

"But there's just one thing

That you must understand."

"You can fool with your brother

But don't mess with a missionary man."

Don't mess with a missionary man.

Don't mess with a missionary man.

Well the missionary man

He's got god on his side.

He's got the saints and apostles

Backin' up from behind.

Black eyed looks from those bible books.

He's a man with a mission

Got a serious mind.

There was a woman in the jungle

And a monkey on a tree.

The missionary man he was followin' me.

He said "Stop what you're doing."

"Get down upon your knees."

"I've a message for you that you better believe."

Songwriters: Annie Lennox / David Allan Stewart

The miracle of love will .. take away your pain,

When the miracle of love comes your way again.. 

If you open your heart, you can make a new start…  the miracle of love..

The miracle of love

Song by Eurythmics

How many sorrows

Do you try to hide

In a world of illusion

That's covering your mind?

I'll show you something good

Oh I'll show you something good.

When you open your mind

You'll discover the sign

That there's something

You're longing to find

The miracle of love

Will take away your pain

When the miracle of love

Comes your way again.

Cruel is the night

That covers up your fears.

Tender is the one

That wipes away your tears.

There must be a bitter breeze

To make you sting so viciously

They say the greatest coward

Can hurt the most ferociously.

But I'll show you something good.

Oh I'll show you something good.

If you open your heart

You can make a start

When your crumbling world falls apart.

The miracle of love

Will take away your pain

When the miracle of love

Comes your way again.

Songwriters: Annie Lennox / David Allan Stewart

Sisters Are Doin' It for Themselves

Song by Eurythmics

Now there was a time

When they used to say

That behind every great man

There had to be a great woman

But in these times of change

You know that it's no longer true

So we're comin' out of the kitchen

'Cause there's somethin' we forgot to say to you, we say

Sisters are doin' it for themselves

Standin' on their own two feet

And ringin' on their own bells, we say

Sisters are doin' it for themselves

Now this is a song

To celebrate

The conscious liberation

Of the female state

Mothers, daughters

And their daughters too

Woman to woman

We're singin' with you

The inferior sex, has

Got a new exterior, yeah

We got doctors

Lawyers, politicians too

Everybody take a look around

Can you see, can you see

Can you see there's a woman

Right next to you, we say

Sisters are doin' it for themselves

Standin' on their own two feet

And ringin' on their own bells

Sisters are doin' it for themselves

Now we ain't makin' stories

Oh, we ain't layin' plans

Don't you know that a man still loves a woman

And a woman still loves a man

Just the same way

Sisters are doin' it for themselves

There was a time

When they used to say

That behind every great man

There had to be a great woman

But in these times of change

You know that it's no longer true

So we're comin' out of the kitchen

'Cause there's somethin' we forgot to say to you, we say

Sisters are doin' it for themselves

Standin' on their own two feet

And ringin' on their own bells

Sisters are doin' it for themselves

Sisters are doin' it for themselves

Sisters are doin' it, doin' it, doin' it

Doin' it, doin' it, doin' it

Sisters are doin' it for themselves, yeah

Sisters are doin' it for themselves, yeah

Sisters are doin' it for themselves

I said, " Hey, hey, sisters are doin' it for themselves"

Sisters are doin' it for themselves

Sisters are doin' it for themselves

Songwriters: Annie Lennox / David Allan Stewart