
S E E K I N G of glory, honour, & immortality


For I do not accept the glory from

such human beings as would like to give

it, though God's image is in them quite prom-

in-ent - to see what's good, and help folk live.

For people who are "living dead" will do

what's in their nature, so to get along

as best they can; & I say I know you. 

I know that you don't have that loving song -

responding to God's overwhelming love

with singing in the background - in your hearts.

I've come in God’s own name here from above,

and you do not accept me; and won't start.

Since someone who comes in their own name, you 

will quite accept because they play your game

of giving, and receiving, glory too.

If they won't keep your rules, things aren't  the same.

But how could you believe what I would say?

Since you're receiving glory from each one

who plays this game with you each/ ev'ry, day.

Your glory source is not from our bright sun.

You do not seek the glory that would come

to us from outside our world ev'ry day

- the only God, who is the "Glorious One"

our source of life and energy. Go straight

to this our source and ground of being, which

we're made to run on! Faint reflections aren't

yet strong, or good, enough - to scratch our itch,

or be our source of kudo's. They just can't!

‘I do not accept glory from human beings,  but I know you. I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts.  I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.  How can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God ?  John 5:41‭-‬44  https://bible.com/bible/113/jhn.5.41-44.NIVUK


 "And God ('s the one who) saw that it was good" 

Well, in the process, at each step, each day,

both in the doing, and the telling of

how things had gone, to his children he'd say

he "saw that it was good", and smelling of

the goodness that was him. When overseen 

by 'Good' himself, (then shortened back to 'God')

what chance has his creation got, I mean

the outcome must be good, you see you've got

both source, intent, process, apprecia-

-tion. Two words more might help with what he "saw":

"ensured", and since you're talking of cre-a-

-tion, "got-involved-to-bring-about", and more…

Another question comes to me about

the "it" that God so saw that it was good:

Until tonight I've only thought of "product",

but "process" is a thing that rightly should

be here considered, in this special week

commemorating where our goods came from,

as well as chattle, stuff we like and seek,

accoutrements of life, that go and come.

As well as just "appreciating prod-

-uct", maybe God's involving himself in

the process to ensure, by peek and prod,

luck's not the only motive force or sheen.

And so when I am letting him "see me",

and "see that I am good" as well  I s'pose,

to grow that way I'll hear his words that be

just what a man will live by, as he grows.


How to interact with people with alternative view-points, in the Way of Jesus...

A part of what appears to me to be 

God's answer to requests that came along

from me the other day, well, recently;

This gives me confidence to move, with song...

to be expectant that he's working still

within myself, and others who are near,

and that he always (not just sometimes) will

help people who long for him to appear:

  • Understand what Larry Crab was trying to communicate by his technical use of the terms "goal", & "desire".

How to always (individually) learn from other view points… [this can validly be a
goal for me]

How toahave a great argument with another person… (both parties agree to..)... [I cannot let this become a goal for me, only note it (to God, and any reflections of him around) as a desire of mine.]

  1. Be like the spirit of creativity behind the making of this world. Be quick to Listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.

  2. Listen quickly or actively, not just passively. Ask questions to understand. Not to trap. Observe, look, listen with intent. 

  3. Listen deeply; to someone's spirit communicated through their words. Or listen to their inside message. i.e. hear their words in order to hear their intent, the spirit of their communication, their heart attitude, direction of thoughts, attitude of mind.

  4. When I do speak, speak in order to truly build up the other, or the relationship, rather than myself.

  5. When I do speak, check that I am speaking the truth, in love.

  6. When I do speak, check that I am not arguing about words (or names?), but trying to build real communication, rather than come to my judgement. (Who made me a ruler and  a judge over that person? Who made me their servant?)

  7. Be expectant that in this interchange, through following the Way, displayed in Jesus (of both Truth and Love, now "married", working in tandem together) we will (both together & individually) be made more and more like Jesus…


 's thair room?

So each room, yes some prisons, can become 

a portal to eternity for some,

or else a cage where devils are unleashed.

We have a choice to see who will be pleased!

When I am in a room, there's someone there,

who is the source of someone-ness, who cares,

but also chaos tries to take control

a storm of demons wants to take my soul,

my life, as someone made to image who's

the most creative being, in whose shoes

I'm called to walk, since I bear his surname,

he knows me, and says he is not ashamed

to call me someone in his fam'ly wild.

My "brother, sister, father, mother, child" 

'sa way he would explain our kinship ties,

We're closely knit, and he does not despise

those kinship ties, they’re solid things for him.

He wants them to extend, and not grow dim.

But pulse when all seems lost, right then he'll see

if hell's a thing I'm bringing here with me

or else something that will keep shrinking still.

Enculturing, his fam'ly surely will

do all that's in their power so to make

that happen, thus to have and eat their cake!

For as the children of creativeness

we're put here so to use, and so to bless

the places were he puts us, spesh'ly mess-

es, bringing kinds of order "KIND" would guess.


to be known/ to know...


"If any want to boast, there's just one way

within this world where we think we're top dogs;

& that's to boast that we know, not the day

or hour of big events, methods and cogs!

But just the kind of knowing that a child

can have of its own Mum or Dad, that is

depending not on "knowledge", for its style 

develops knowledge slowly, piece by peace.

If anything, the parents know much more

about the child, and how it was conceived 

in secret trysts between them, and what for?

Their love and knowledge has to be believed

or acted on, by child, before it can

know anything, or even learn to talk.

But it has just responded; doesn’t plan,

and grasp, and take, and hunt down what it stalked.

Not that those things won't come, in God's good time,

but they're built on a found-ation of love,

of seeing good and growing it - sublime,

of being drawn up from who is above.

It doesn't work when driven from below,

when motivated by those lower things.

The caterpillar doesn’t fly, or show

off, with what's stuck on, even if they're wings.

The older methods used for lower life

must be sloughed off, it will seem like a tomb

is entered, but creation here is rife

with re-creating in each "Yah way" room!

"If any want to boast, 

    they should boast that they know and understand me,

because my love is constant,

    and I do what is just and right.

These are the things that please me.

I, the Lord, have spoken.” (see Jem 9:12-25, Philippians 3:3, Jeremiah 4:22, 1 Cor 1:19-31)

Now about food sacrificed to idols: we know that ‘We all possess knowledge.’ But knowledge puffs up while love builds up. Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know. But whoever loves God is known by God.  1Cor8:1-3


the herding of the wording

If I will not hold on for very life

to words that will uncover and will grow

the meaning that maintains and grows in strife,

to then bring mind and will that would be known

and grow in turn, itself to know and love;

then łife will not grow in me as it's meant 

to grow from one stage, to the one above;

from single celled, to multicelled, still bent,

constrained within a womb, yet comf'tåble.

But when uncomfort grows till birthing pangs

would seem to tear apart this life so full,

this process take us past the pair that hangs 

about in chillax manner for "the time" -

they say it is "the time of life", but heart

pumps life beyond the world inside the hye-m-

man's finish line that's broken at the start.

Then I will stay at stage one or stage two,

which have a place, quite necessarily.

We're like an evolutionary zoo, 

where life keeps growing 1 to 2, then three…

It's not that motive force comes from the self,

but then again, it trully is that way,

the early levels do not end in "health"

unless you take the bigger view and say

that life from the next level up, bends down

providing motive force and bringing out

the best, that's yet to come. You will not drown,

unless you stay inside - where might come drought.


men musing on the nature of a son.

To be a son is something other than,

a servant, or a slave of someone else.

It's in the being that the doing comes,

just as the symptoms show a patient's health.

Because, a servant does what he must do,

regardless of desire or wanting to.

A son is like the moon which will reflect,

the light that comes from one that is much higher.

A hired man will do what must be done, 

and usually doesn't care as much,

as when he is at home with his own blood.

But, we are sons all, all the time, that means,

that all the time, I will reflect someone,

and come across to people in some way.

We're branded whether we like it or not.

I guess we get to choose though, who will brand,

Or, who we will become like, now or in,

Some time from now along the way we've been.

God teach me as I live down here below,

to know as you are knowing me and glow,

with your true light that's shining from above,

and from the light the scriptures speak of -love.

Please, make me now a son that makes you proud,

to call your own. As when you spoke out loud.


...as explained very well in John chapter 8..


Amen.  Amen.

Ah, men can each be son in truth and claimed 

as such, or else a bastard son who's not

claimed by one side or t'other. So it's aimed

not by the love of Father that is hot

for melting, and for forging, as with steel,

or purifying as with silver/ gold.

The smelting ain't  a forgery, the feel

is more authentic, though it can be bold.

The motive force, but also wisdom's ken

for growing up a man, from one who is

already there, to bring another then

potential's realized, and not just missed.


...and, life eternal shows itself, unfin-

-ished, it continues on, as yarn is spinned,

through choices of the folk who like to us,

are willing to be filled with windy gusts.

They say the spirit moves that is holy,

in ways unseen, and so his children be,

just like their father up above who'll share,

his wisdom openly to those who care..



 @ Ridgecrest (parts 1,2,3,&4)

Oh here we are, from places 'round about 

we've come together, friendship is the key. 

The program's not the program we worked out 

so much as what God does with you & me.

We're present here, & would be more-so too,

not just to do our own thing, but respond 

to what our good creator would make new 

in his good time, & still the game goes on..

So Spring is sprung; September's nearly done 

the fields so often brown are green with grass,

& rain has been here falling, with bright sun,

the time has ticked on by, and come to pass!

And if we weren't so careful, lifetimes would 

have come & gone, & busy-ness might win;

though meetings still occured, d'you think could 

those friends miss all this friendship?  - 'Zat a sin?

The children's voices call out in the night

Though now they've grown and are less childish yet,

With hearts and minds still open to the light 

And friendships deepenin' for the years ahead..

We stop and sit - behold a feast prepared!

A family round the dining table, fed.

And tales are told, with lives and burdens shared

A nourishment paired with this daily bread.

And someone dies before her time has come

while trusting re-creation from the king

with resurrection force in cold that numbs

the rest of us acknowledge, and then sing.

And so begins the end that's drawing near,

or else the end of our beginning time.

The life of God's own reign starts to appear,

and though there's more to come; it is sublime.

With games together in small groups and large 

we whiled away the time of life "alone";

though like he said, this new life has a "sarge" 

no longer "single-cells" - "this body" 's home.