
SAM-THE-MAN'S done 21!

Righteo, strap yourselves in,

-21 verses* da come-

I don’t know how long you’ve bin,

SAM THE MAN’s done “twenty one”

(years that is, lived on this earth)!

Life has start-ed and begun

even though he’s still “pre-birth.

Pre-birth?”, you say, “..I don’t see..”,

stubble’s there upon his chin,

he looks big enough to me,

that no womb could hold him in.

When he used to live inside,

hidden in his mummy’s tum;

his father didn’t specially hide,

Sam was too fragile to come.

Sometimes he might hear a boom,

letting him know who he’d meet

when he came out of that womb-

to grow up to walk the street.

Dad saw him, before Sam could,

on that ultra-sound-y thing,

and he thought it would be good

to see Sam with less between.

Sam’s Dad didn’t push too much

to get Sam out, to breathe air,

even though then they could touch,

that would not have been quite “fair”..

fair” is not prob’ly the word,

(when Sam was a little boy,

he was very fair, I’ve heard,

-hair a “cockatoo of joy”!)

more the thought is: “times weren’t right”

to bring him out much before

his birthday date, else tonight

would be too late, and what’s more,

he might not have been ready

to come out, and to have cried,

if we had not kept steady

and then had prodded and pried.

On the day Sam’s body changed

there in Cowra hospital;

blood system was re-arranged,

lungs and gut started to fill,

and he joined this bigger world

with more pain, though pleasure too.

Flag hoisted, to be unfurled

as he passed life’s stages through.

Like THE MAN - The Human One

who was born here just like Sam

and handled the pain & fun

of this world, and learnt to stand..

..stand for what is good and true

on his two feet, and with friends.

Then just hang around to do

what is needful for good ends.

Sam, your hero is mine too!

And your life’s a parable.

I am seeing him in you,

though he’s incomparable!

Since your Papa in heaven,

who’s been helping me advance,

put Life in you like leaven,

not just mine, you're Sam, THE MAN's

*that’s 21 verses of 21 sylables - originally 15 verses of 28 sylables with one verse of 21 sylables at the start.


Courage, Heart & Hope...

The Lord has given me courage and has strengthened my heart, for my hope is in Him. Psalm 31:24 (PM Version)

Oh God, our strength,
and our courage too;
we now know, at length,
that all good's from YOU.

True wisdom, core-love,
has come down from you,
is sourced from above,
whatever is true

what-ever's noble,
right, pure, & lovely,
real good, with no "bull",
like you, we're thinking*.

From two who are small,
or  little,  they  say
the meaning of Paul
is  that!  We're   a way!

*an old letter, in ancient Common Greek, from another Paul to some people who lived in the Macedonian town of Philippi, in the First Century, who were (like these 2 Pauls) enlisted as Jesus followers, talks about some of these issues, in ways that have helped form this Paul's way of thinking: Philippians.


Moving2stay! - List'ning2say!- Learning2pray!

Revisiting this old post
helped me follow Holy Ghost;
listening to, & too looking
at that herald who did bring
to "life", what was only dream
before, now hope brings it's sheen.
Since I heard those stories which
used of him, started an itch
an itch which brought un-comfort,
and helped high-light change which ought
have revolted me from my
false leader who'd rather die
taking me with him if I
won't make him my Lord and God.
What a sad & sorry sod!
Sod of soil and dust of earth;
which is where I've had my birth!
But like caterpillar grubs,
destined to sip nectar tubs
escorting in higher room;
I will now go to my tomb,
'til you do your new magic,
seen in him, who seemed tragic*!

* as for example clearly seen by Oscar Wilde in De Profundus (short URL: https://goo.gl/gcU2MS)


Clarity About Kat's Arvo Classes

One afternoon,
Or two a week,
They take a room,
And drink or eat!

And then have fun,
And call it Ed-
What is this spread?

How can this be?
I heard; they laughed!
And I don’t see…
I must be daft!

Why theirs should be
Such a good time,
I just don’t see.
I want for mine

To have been so
When off to school
I had to go.
I feel a fool.
But at that time,
Now as I think,
I didn’t mind,
I’d have a drink

I’d nibble too
Just after school,
A “breakfast zoo”,
Lunch - as a rule.

But these pit-stops
Were quite without
Teachers (were tops)
But they, no doubt

May have been glad
To not be lumped
With us when sad.
They might have jumped

At any chance
To share life more
With us, to dance
On lounge-room floor.

Faces shining?
To be with us -
Special “whining”
And “making fuss”

To do with food,
..Carrot or pea...
We weren’t all rude
But, now I see…

It wasn’t all bad,
Cause our teachers
Might not like - Dad,
Or some features

Of our fam’ly.
Though for sometimes
It might just be
Fun to have rhymes

Along with food;
English stuff in
meal times too’d
- make good Muffin!

Maths might mingle
With our pit-stops.
Well, the jingle
Of coins in shops

Certainly could
Be important
To buy food, good
Value oughtn’t

Only be for
When you grow up.
Teachers might more
Have us show up

if they came for
tea twice each week.
Then stopped (by law)
to laugh, and speak

with Mums and Dads
parents shared life
both "goods" & "bads"...



(a young woman caught up in her emotional reactions to not getting her desires. She couldn't stand up and move from a phone screen...  No apparent self-discipline; so I suspect that she will not progress in higher-end disciplined thinking. Poor thing.)

God, please help her 
get out of this quick-sand,
be willing to refer
to who'll help her stand.

And while you do that,
please help us too,
so when we fall flat,
and our face is blue,

we'll do what she should
since we all have a dad
in heaven who is good.
You make us glad!


God looks ...

Imagine GOD looking for something... and it's an open question whether he'll find it!
Father’s worship is not
in this place or that,
or this group. That is rot,
the kind of “in” that’s flat,

only two dimensions.
We’re speaking here of GOD,
he’s not ‘bout detentions,
all freedom’s from his nod!

In him, who is spirit,
not tied to place and time.
One to see and hear it,
when his children laugh or whine.

The biggest question is:
Did we open our hearts(?)
and see ourselves as his,
before our own claim starts(?)

and try to share with God
what’s going on inside,
& give him the full nod,
instead of run & hide.

“Whinge to him”, is better
than smile to him, while yet
gripe to others. Yet a
way to escape the net..

..the net which catches us
and pulls us down, a trap,
of grumping, making fuss,
‘bout all the stuff that’s “crap”;

is simple as “Thank you”,
and meaning it, of course.
Lift eyes to “you know who”,
voice thanks before remorse.


a spirit...

A friend (PM)'s text appreciating our human condition under God's anointed "Leader of Humanity"; and a response: 

God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 (PM Version)

Power to act
(authority too).
Love as a will-set;
then mind-set too,
for his culture gifts
us his world-view.
Wow! All this lifts
P. DoubleYou.



(thinking of friends I haven't seen for years, though mutual friends bring good reports)

God, please do your thing
in that family, Grant
that your good blessing
rest long, and strong, and plant

them by living streams,
like big mango trees
whose branches are beams,
leaves find light with ease,

fruit is always there,
- for it's roots run deep-
always more to share,
gardner gets a heap!

Psalm Oen,


to a brother named "Harkness"

Mary harkened;
Martha darkened,
and got grumpy,
and bit jumpy.
Mary then heard
(beautiful word):
"One thing only
's necessary,
missed by Martha,
hit by Mary."

Will you .... be
a harkness,
or a, or a darkness?
Now ah, let me see-ee...
God, hear/ help me, plea-ease!
