The good that Jesus Christ called “God”
through hell & high water,
is walking, and has always trod
with his people, they’re his daughter.
It’s like there are two kinds of folk
who live throughout the Earth
- and I don’t mean the “sheila” / “bloke”
dichotomy, for what it’s worth –
I mean the kind who’re “open up”
to what they were made for:
it doesn’t matter: tiny bub,
or a hundred in the shade, for
they’re like God’s kids, his child-er-en,
his own daughter or son,
whether new-born, or two, or ten,
he loves them (and he’ll discipline)
-not in that harsh, embittered way-
but still enough to learn
the worth of all they do or say;
they learn respect, and they won’t “turn-
-on ya”, and then just be diff’rent,
they get God’s character!
They’re “open up” to love and when’t
causes pain, they still barrack ta
see it win. They have confidence
and know the mys-stur-y
of love that is it’s one defence,
won’t throw it out for just what’s
These folk come in shapes and sizes,
cultures - all seem diff’rent,
but the thing that each one prizes:
what eternity’s culture’s meant!
It means that all power and glory are
by God owned, and on loan,
instead of “We are the STAR”,
they want God’s light of love more
The others
have already died,
some grieving has been done;
but plans of God are now being tried
to raise them up, each one.
Mean-while God’s still brooding, weaving,
walking throughout his world.
“Looks” have often been deceiving,
half (his grieving) has not been told!
Jesus told us his secret plan:
to hide within the weak,
the smallest, slowest, of human-
-ity’s face, is from where he’d peak.
We’re used to looking up to ’mpress
not down to beneath us;
so he who’s real, to real-ly bless
uses this ruse to bequeath us
his blessed image growing up
within our hearts & minds
and beings, that by showing up
will rule his world in ways divine.
I want to give more airplay to
the stories of these ones
who let God look on this world through
the eyes of his daughters and sons.
I want to walk just as he walks
I want to see as he,
to listen as he does (and talks),
let his story be told in me!
And to this goal I know I’ll slow
-ly keep on moving too;
a walker only, but I’ll go
on day-by-day walking with you.
Not only with self-discipline,
but with your true coaching,
one day, I’ll be the kind of man
that can handle man’s reproaching,
or human praise, and not become
sep-ar-a-ted from you,
and your care, in that christened ONE,
who walked the dusty streets then too.
Please now again, as long ago,
come walking in some skin
and bones, and let me see, please show
your world to me from eyes within.