
wisdom counts (& knows when not to)

O teach us good Lord
to count as "reward"
the days we have stored
on this earth of yours,
that's in the presence
of our fam'ly since-
both "primal", and thence
the "model", recalls

the times we're aLive,
that's not just survive-
-ing, meanings increase 
with Love , joy, & peace;
help savour the days
we're hurtling through space, 
in roundabout ways, 
because it wil cease.

The fam'ly we've had
with you as our Dad
& all other "mad"
humans as siblings,
is modelled a tad
(if they're not too bad)
by fam'lies we've had,
without the quibblings. 

then see I that we,
would wiser far be,
for heart would impart
wisdom (from above),
to these little lives,
so more than bee-hives,
they'd not vainly strive
so, to show his love.


Teach us Lord to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 
Psalm 90:12 (PM Version)

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