
growing love - faithful, .......... first to God with all .......... heart, soul, strength & mind ... then to those we find..

Oh God, you've helped us now to clarify
important things as Matt & Paul have talked:
when people trust you, and their need is high -
they're almost desparate, and they haven't baulked,

that's when your pow'r is freed to do it's thing
& Matt saw that at places overseas,
& Paul thinks now of mates who try to bring
their paralytic friend, but not with ease

to Jesus; or that foreign (loving) mum
who came to Jesus'group & begged his help,
who would "war on", & not "be overcome",
that's even when she's painted as a whelp*.

And added to that there's the parable
of blokes with different gifts, when their boss went,
and asked them to plant seeds in arable
good soil to multiply his in-vest-ment!

To whom much has been given much is now
required, & in the West we must admit
that we've received much, so that means somehow
that more will be expected, & that's it!

So now the onus is on us to trust
the Master's judgement, & then get to work
in doing all our thinking, & have sussed
out all our options, so as not to shirk,

but recognize his healing & his pow'r
in situations "not so glamorous",
& this is now our place & now our hour
(& oh, Matt has intentions amorous).

Paul Walker & Matt Walls 17 June 2017 pm.

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